highly illogical
My professor always gives us a five-minute break in the middle of our 1:20-long class...actually, it's more like we get that break with about 20 minutes left to go. So he wisened up last week and decided that, instead of said break, he would let us go 5 minutes early.Today, he decides to give us a choice: 5 minute break during the latter third of class, or leave 5 minutes early. When your class is supposed to get out at about 4:50 every day, that "five minutes earlier" thing sounds pretty good. Right?
Apparently not. Apparently, people would rather take a five-minute break from browsing the internet in our unbelievably boring class than actually go home earlier to browse the internet without the burden of having the professor drone on in the background.
(I also discovered today that my professor's one ear is sort of pointy. Like Spock's ear on "Star Trek". The fact that my professor is a Vulcan totally explains why he's an international law expert (and always references things like "Battlestar Galactica"). I wonder if he worked for the State Department as part of their cover-up of the fact that aliens have lived among us for years...)
Labels: classes, international law, law school douchebags
Which ear? The right? Or the Left?
I think, from experience, that's because the professor who agrees to such a deal NEVER seems to remember to actually let you out early. Professors always have something more to say...
JT - his left, my right. It's glorious.
And I'm going to hope that the "he'll never let us out early anyway" thing was what they were thinking - after all, this is the professor that starts herding law students to come back into class after three minutes of the five minute break have passed...
On a completely unrelated note -
I had to say something, 'cause this is getting erie. Generally I'm only vaguely aware of the rest of the U-dub law school peeps because the douchebag ratio is so high, I generally prefer not to mingle unless I'm wearing a Hazmat suit. Also, I don't do much blog-hopping because my interest in the law tends to be extremely limited, and I've found most UWLaw bloggers have an annoying tendancy to care about reality.
However, when I saw your comment on my blog, I decided to puruse. Lo and behold, you've got my absolute favorite television show (Angel) and my all-time favorite song (Cali Love, though I prefer the original to the album remix) front and center. Intrigued, I scrolled further to find dissing of both "My Humps" and Fergie, with which I wholeheartedly concur.
Then a post about General Hospital. Now, normally I wouldn't admit to this because it seriously conflicts with my (self-cultivated) machete-wielding image, but I watched that show religiously for over a decade. I stopped this semester when I decided not to pay for TV service, because Charter can eat itself. But still...
Then your "blogoversary" post mentions November 5, and an obsession with television, and a hatred of law school...
The point of all this? I've determined that either a) you're my evil clone, most likely trying to steal my soul, b) or you're not a terrible person, and have a blog worth reading. All of which means I'll probably have to haunt this place occasionally just to make sure, one way or the other.
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