Tuesday, February 07, 2006

moonlighting strangers who just met...in property

I'm really excited about my "Moonlighting: Complete Third Season" DVD set that I ran to Target to buy at 8:30 this morning.* Unfortunately, I have to do homework tonight between watching GG and BL/LM...mostly because the boys I play poker with on Wednesdays don't seem to know if we're playing tomorrow or not, and I have to finish all of my homework for Thursday "just in case".

"If you're getting corrected by a judge, take it. If you're getting corrected by a fellow lawyer, tell 'em to go stick it." ~Property professor, on pronouncing Latin words while on the job.

"If you see a kid on the playground with a hand grenade, tell the teacher. If you see a kid eating snot or dirt, let it go. Don't go telling the teacher who farted in class." ~Crim Pro professor, on when tattling is appropriate.

*Yes, I realize that it's no longer 1987. You don't see me in shoulder pads and pencil skirts, do you?


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