my second date with career services
Me: So, essentially, when the job listings say "Top 50%" and I'm over here at "Top 66.67%", am I just screwed? I mean, how do I say to these people "yeah, my grades suck, but I'm not an idiot"?Career Services: You're not an idiot. Law school is like the Olympics. Everyone is the best of the best, and they're all separated by just a little bit.Me: And there's always that one swimmer from the Ivory Coast that finishes 10 minutes behind the rest of the pack.CS: But the rest of the swimmers are all a minute apart.Me: Because they're all on steroids.Labels: job search blues, sports
my trip to walgreens, and other musings
I hit the Wal on the Square this morning to procure a Diet Coke before work. (I don't know why I reasoned that this would be better than Starbucks - probably a lack of sleep from the storms last night - just go with it.) While staring off into space waiting for the honor students running the register to get the line moving, I noticed that they are already selling bags of Halloween candy.In July. I mean, not just Fun Size candy bars. But the actual giant "Halloween-sized" bags of Fun Size candy in the orange and black Halloween-themed displays with spiderwebs printed all over them. When did it the commercialism monster start eating holidays other than Christmas (and Valentine's, and Easter, and St. Patty's, and Arbor Day... And why can't it eat Guy Fawkes Day already)??? While walking out of the Wal, I caught a headline on one of the area newspapers detailing a proposal to start charging $5 a person for this fall's Halloween celebration on State Street, intending to curb the outrageous rigols and revels by charging admission and requiring tickets to walk down the street. Do they really think this will work? People (okay, kids with Daddy's money) drive to the area from miles away and consume hundreds of dollars worth of booze over the course of the weekend - do they honestly think that another 5 dollars will be more than just a drop in the bucket to people willing to pay $50 for gas just to get to the party? I'm trying to update my résumé with info about my summer job. It's really hard to try and say "sits around all day reading E! online and" in a way that makes it sound like I actually do work.Labels: holidays, madison
more fun at the office
The setting: Boss's office. He just called me in to discuss a statute of limitations issue in an insurance law case (my second insurance case in a week) because I'm the only one in the office who doesn't eat, sleep, and breathe criminal law.Me: (after reading insurance statute for sixth time) I don't think I like insurance law anymore.
Boss: You know, at the beginning of the semester, you said you liked civil law. Now you don't. Is there anything that you do like?
Me: The law of ordering drinks at Starbucks.
Boss: Good choice.
(My second choice, of course, would be the law of fashion. Lord knows there are some people whose outfits warrant citations, fines, or prison sentences.)Labels: starbucks, summertime
you remember me forever!
I discovered last night that, after only one year in law school, I have already left my legacy.
No, I didn't go around smashing people's treats into their faces and running away.
I was talking to someone at a bar last night who was under the impression that we had met before. I said that we hadn't, and she asked if I was in Prof. K's Contracts class. I replied affirmatively, and the following conversation ensued:
Her: I thought that was you. He called on you a lot, right?
Me: No, not really. And when he did, I always replied 'I don't know'.
Her: That was you. I definitely remember you doing that.
Me: Yeah, I was the only one who actually admitted they didn't know an answer.
So while I thought I was flying under the radar, my lack of desire to waste my classmates' time by spending ten minutes floundering for an answer and backing it up with baseless opinions definitely got me noticed. I'd like to think that they'll remember me as "the one who wasn't a giant douche" for these acts of selflessness. Labels: classes
after all, tomorrow is another day
My day started out really, really well. It involved me getting caught in a downpour (with an umbrella, mind you) and missing the bus. Apparently, me running towards the bus and waving my arms frantically didn't tip off the bus driver to stop the bus, and none of the passengers felt like yelling to the driver to stop for the drowned rat-esque woman running down the street.So then I had to go home and wait for the next bus, arriving half an hour later. By the time I got home, my work clothes were soaked completely through, and I had to change into dry clothes before I went back out into the rain.Then I had to skip my morning coffee so that I would only be 45 minutes "late" instead of an hour "late". I finally got over not having my morning coffee around 5 this afternoon - that's when the hot and cold flashes and the lightheadedness finally subsided. (Side note: I *think* I may have a caffeine addiction problem. Oh well.)To top it all off, I received the first actual, concrete deadline of my internship today. But on the bright side, the deadline doesn't actually require me writing anything. See, all my boss wants me to do in my "writing-intensive" internship is to read the motions and the replies, and then come into his office to discuss the issues before he e-mails his two cents to his boss. The downside, however, is that I actually have to show up on time tomorrow in order to get a jump on reading the documents, since I definitely ran out of the office half an hour early today.At least it's not supposed to rain...Labels: buses, starbucks, work