my property professor is a death eater
I decided to skip my last two Property classes of the week to come down to Texas for Spring Break. I left my house Thursday, a little before 4pm. The chain of events went something like this:4:20pm - get dropped off at airport by KB. 4:22pm - realize that I left my purse in back of KB's car. 4:24pm - start begging people for cell phones so that I can call my cell phone in the hopes that KB will hear a phone that isn't hers and come back.4:35pm - KB brings purse back to airport; get back in line4:37pm - start fighting with United Airlines agent because he won't ticket me for my Denver-Austin flight, because my Madison-Denver flight has been delayed to the point where I'd miss my connection by four minutes, and United refuses to hold planes.4:50pm - give up and take last ticket for the Denver-Austin flight leaving 10:30 the following morning7:30pm - arrive in Denver ten minutes ahead of schedule; race to see if I can make the flight I was supposed to be on that was leaving at 7:40pm.7:35pm - get to gate; discover 7:40 Denver-Austin flight left fifteen minutes early.7:45pm - arrive at customer service; realize that the Denver-Austin flight stranded no fewer than half a dozen people who were either in transit or at security.7:46pm - get even more peeved because they would've moved me back to the 7:40 flight. Get excited because I can still get a flight to Dallas that lands at midnight CST.7:50pm - fail to convince parents to drive 4 hours to pick me up in Dallas. Glumly take voucher for discounted hotel stay.8:45pm - arrive at hotel in Denver.9:05pm - realize that I left my contact lens case in my checked baggage, which is conveniently back at the airport. ...the next morning...8:00am - leave hotel in Denver. 8:45am - make it through security; discover that 10:30 flight to Austin now delayed until 10:55am.8:55am - find an outlet to plug in DVD player and watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.10:06am - Harry Potter ends. Put in Pride and Prejudice so that it's loaded when I get on the plane.10:30am - wonder why we're not boarding yet.10:40am - 10:55 flight now delayed indefinitely because a crew member decided to take the day off. 10:41am - get angry and cranky, partly because of the flight situation, and partly because I'm beginning to feel like Nick Nolte's Mug Shot.10:42am - laugh at situation, because I would already be in Austin had the previous night's plane been delayed this long.11:30am - decide to forage for food.11:45am - go to bathroom11:46am - my flight's boarding! hooray! 11:47am - realize that my boarding pass fell out somewhere between the foraging and the bathroom. 11:48am - panic11:49am - find boarding pass back at newsstand. Am informed that they would've reissued the boarding pass at the gate and let me board without coming back to look for it.12:05pm - plane fina-freakin'-lly leaves Denver3:30pm - plane lands in Austin. Surprisingly, my checked baggage survived it's night's stay in Denver.3:48pm - realize that, if I had left Madison after LR&W on Thursday and driven, I would've arrived before my plane ended up landing.4:00pm - arrive at parents' house, a full 24 hours after I left Madison.As soon as I realized that I wasn't going to make it to Madison Thursday night, I determined that this was some sort of punishment for me skipping Property on Thursday. After watching Harry Potter, I decided that my Property professor is in cahoots with Lord Voldemort, and conjured up the previously-unknown Fourth Unforgivable Curse - the Flight Delay - in order to make me regret conveniently skipping my on-call day. When I get back, I'm gonna see if I can talk someone into sending him to Azkaban.Happy Spring Break!Labels: airports suck, austin, property class, vacation
i want to clerk for this guy
A judge in a Texas bankruptcy court denied a motion for "being incomprehensible", then accompanied this justification with the following footnote, in which the judge quotes Billy Madison:
"Or, in the words of the competition judge to Adam Sandler's title character in the movie, 'Billy Madison,' after Billy Madison had responded to a question with an answer that sounded superficially reasonable but lacked any substance.
Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Deciphering motions like the one presented here wastes valuable chamber staff time, and invites this sort of footnote."
Edited to add: I just realized that the judge's name is Leif Garrett. That makes me want to clerk for him even more.
hello, you've reached the winter of my discontent
^^See, that's funny because that's Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, and my LR&W brief is about it's bastard cousin, Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress...
Okay, so maybe it's not that funny. My judgment may be clouded because I've been battling avian flu for the last week and a half. It's to the point where I may be schlepping over to UHS to make sure that I'm not dying, or make sure that I'm not already dead, and my lifeless shell of a corpse hasn't been running on auto-lawschool-pilot for three weeks. And if I am dead, that means I can do the "Thriller" dance, right?
At the very least, by this time next week, I'll have escaped the frozen tundra and will be enjoying the sunny warm weather of Austin. My theory is that the heat will kill all of the icky bird flu germs living in my bloodstream whilst the sunlight does not kill the motivation that I need to complete both my LR&W brief and my Moot Court tryout brief. And by that, I mean "to lay on the couch and watch the History Channel and Food Network".
So for those of you who are counting (i.e., me), the official "Eating Mexican Food Cooked by Real Mexicans That Crossed the Border Illegally Last Week Countdown":
6 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes, and a few seconds long as (a) I don't get delayed in Denver (someone please explain to me how flying Madison-Denver-Austin makes sense), and (b) it doesn't take them an hour to get my luggage to the terminal. But it really doesn't matter, because it'll be Spring Break, it'll be Texas (warm), and it'll be NO PROPERTY CLASS FOR ELEVEN DAYS. I'll gladly take a delayed flight in exchange for that.